Panimus Integration



Listen to Paul on Beth Weinstein’s Psychedelic Entrepreneur Podcast, Episode 96

Paul is based in Los Angeles

In his own journey, Paul has worked with psychedelics, Jungian therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Rosen Method bodywork, Family Constellations, Medicine Dance, Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), and more, supporting his own continuing growth and healing.  Paul appreciates the dedication and time required for lasting changes that lead to being more fully present and able to hold safe, non-judgemental, and compassionate space for oneself and others. So many of our traumas/issues are of developmental, attachment, and epigenetic (ancestral) origin, and this is Paul’s primary focus.

Paul is a Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Dr. Gabor Maté’s elegant and insightful approach to healing our triggers and traumas, as well as having completed the Level 1 Mastery training as a Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Therapist, a powerful body centered trauma release modality. These somatic styles of working are very complimentary to psychedelic, entheogenic, plant medicine work. They help us get in touch with some of the difficult inner places that need our attention before, during and after a journey inward, while also providing powerful tools to work with our issues and befriend ourselves on the road to healing.

Paul is also certified to deliver Dr. Stephen Porges auditory based nervous system intervention, the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), that acts as a neural exercise to increase our sense of safety in the world. This powerful intervention created by the author of the Polyvagal Theory, is not meant as a stand alone activity. It opens us up and compliments other healing work we are doing.  

Paul is a strong believer in the power of hands on somatic (body) work and is an intern practitioner of Rosen Method Bodywork.  Rosen is a powerful compliment to psychedelic work as well as deeply healing on its own.  Rosen works directly on the tension we hold in our bodies, the tension that reflects our issues and coping mechanisms, what some call our character armor. Rosen brings hands on touch that meets the held tension in our body with presence, safety, and acceptance, providing a felt sense opportunity to let it all go.

As an active member of the Los Angeles psychedelic community, Paul is the former Executive Director and current Secretary/Treasurer and Integration Circle Facilitator at Psychedelia Integration, a premier Los Angeles Psychedelic 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides education and support to the community. He brings a thoughtful, clear headed sensibility to working with psychedelics that is both practical and ceremonial, inclusive of the mysteries inherent in these realms where our innate healing sense can be accessed.

Trust, let go, breathe, surrender!  Stay with it.



Paul is based in Los Angeles, send him an email.  

For more of Paul’s work as a safe sitter/guide see Akasa Journeys

paul antico
“What you are looking for
is what’s looking”