Panimus Integration

Compassionate Inquiry

Compassionate Inquiry is an elegant somatic based system that supports understanding, growth and healing, providing insight through direct experience.

Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic integration is working with the insights, visions, sensations and feelings received during or after a psychedelic journey, and applying them to your day-to-day life for healing, growth, and positive changes.

My Psychedelic Integration Circle as part of PsychedeLiA Integration.

Rosen Method Bodywork

Rosen Method bodywork supports the ability to integrate your unconscious material into your overall experience through direct, non-manipulative touch/contact, with the body.

Paul is an Intern Practitioner of Rosen Method Bodywork, gaining hours toward certification. Go here for more on Rosen Method Bodywork

Journey Work

I also work with people individually and/or with a female partner, for those that appreciate the benefit of working with both the feminine and masculine supporting their process in a supported psychedelic session.

Contact me at to schedule a Rosen, CI, SSP. and/or Integration session. My sliding scale fee is $175 to $125 for CI and Integration sessions. Rosen intern sessions are $60 to $20 sliding scale and the SSP program is $495.